The Organic Geochemistry lab is able to process many types of environmental and geological materials for organic geochemical studies. This includes the ability to process samples for source rock bulk geochemistry, reservoir oil fluid analyses, and water samples.
Agilent 7200B GCxGC-qToFMS
This instrument is configured with a Zoex Corp. cryogenic loop jet modulator. The mass spec is a high-resolution, accurate-mass data collection functional with both EI and CI sources. Additional features include secondary FID and ECD detectors.

Agilent 7200B GCxGC-qToFMS
This instrument is configured with a Zoex Corp. cryogenic loop jet modulator. The mass spec is a high-resolution, accurate-mass data collection functional with both EI and CI sources. Additional features include secondary FID and ECD detectors.

Agilent 1290 Infinity II UHPLC
Ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography interfaced with a qToFMS.

1260 Infinity SFC System
Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) using CO2 enables high separation efficiency due to reduced fluid viscosity of the mobile phase. This system is interfaced with a qToFMS that was purchased by Prof. Clarissa Sit of the SMU Chemistry Department.

Rotary evaporators
R-100 and R-200 Buchi rotary evaporators enable increased throughput to manage the chemical preparation of larger sample sets.

CEM Mars 6 Microwave
System is designed to facilitate microwave assisted solvent extraction and digestion of mineral matrices.

Beckman Coulter Avanti J-15 Centrifuge
Four bucket high seed benchtop centrifuge reaches each up to 10,200 rpm and a max g force of 11,420 RCF.

SNOL 80/1100 Furnace
The 80L capacity furnace is capable of sustaining oven temperatures of up to 1100°C.